Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
-22.161639 | -65.572194 |
22°9'0"S | 65°34'0"W |
Nearest places | ||
La Quiaca | 6.9km | |
Tupiza | 81.9km | |
Tarija | 111.3km | |
Capitan Oriel Lea Plaza Airport | 112.3km | |
Bermejo | 141.4km | |
Bermejo Airport | 146.2km | |
Yacuiba | 195.9km | |
Yacuiba Airport | 199.2km | |
San Salvador de Jujuy | 226.8km | |
Rafael Pabon Airport | 245.5km | |
Jujuy Airport | 252.8km | |
Capitan Nicolas Rojas Airport | 291.6km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 11,559.4km | |
Hong Kong International Airport | 19,959.8km |
General informations
Airport type | Local airport |
Elevation | 449 ft / 137 m MS |
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