Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
14.0488888888889 | -83.3666666666667 |
14°2'0"N | 83°22'0"W |
Nearest places | ||
Puerto Cabezas | 1.8km | |
Waspam | 99.8km | |
Waspam Airport | 100.9km | |
Rosita | 113.0km | |
Rosita Airport | 113.8km | |
Bonanza | 131.3km | |
San Pedro Airport | 133.5km | |
Puerto Lempira | 142.1km | |
Siuna | 155.1km | |
Siuna Airport | 156.7km | |
Corn Island Airport | 211.4km | |
El Embrujo Airport | 230.2km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 9,723.8km | |
Cocos Islands Airport | 19,807.1km |
General informations
Airport type | Local Airport |
Elevation | 52 ft / 16 m MSL |
World Pax Ranking 2017 | #1880(+35) |
World Pax Ranking 2016 | #1915(-26) |
World Pax Ranking 2015 | #1889 |
World Pax Ranking 2012 | #1810(-83) |
World Pax Ranking 2011 | #1727(-68) |
World Pax Ranking 2010 | #1659 |
Year | Pax | Movement | Cargo |
2017 | 38832 | ||
2016 | 38790 | ||
2015 | 40156 | ||
2012 | 42346 | 0 | 0 |
2011 | 40759 | 0 | 0 |
2010 | 39976 | 0 | 0 |
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