Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
8.70833333333333 | 171.23333333333298 |
8°42'0"N | 171°13'0"E |
Nearest places | ||
Maloelap Atoll | 18.9km | |
Wotje Airport | 138.4km | |
Wotje Atoll | 156.5km | |
Mejit Atoll Airport | 179.3km | |
Mejit Atoll | 179.7km | |
Majuro | 182.6km | |
Marshall Islands International Airport | 182.8km | |
Arno Atoll | 187.9km | |
Tinak Airport | 190.6km | |
Mili Island | 296.1km | |
Mili Island Airport | 297.0km | |
Utirik Airport | 319.0km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 12,917.9km | |
Wideawake Airport | 19,390.6km |
General informations
Airport type | Local airport |
FAA | 3N1 |
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