
On 04-16-2022 10:30 Jerzy said:
Wherever you are, whatever you do earth is first remember always. My motto do you agree with me. Jerzy Matuszczak
On 04-15-2022 17:41 Jerzy said:
Earth is first remember always. My motto do you agree.
On 01-05-2022 12:01 Jerzy said:
Split airport become number 1 in Croatia year 2021.
On 01-04-2022 12:14 Jerzy said:
First statistics for 2021.Krakow airport 3072074 passangers.
On 07-31-2021 17:24 Jerzy said:
Weathered Vineyards Winery - no problem yes I add to Ephrata Pensylvania.
Comment I\'m wondering if you could add Weathered Vineyards Ephrata to your list of wineries. The web address is www.weatheredvineyardsephrata.com. Thanks!!
On 05-15-2020 22:48 3gator said:
Interesting information here. Please could you add this site? It\'s for tourist information in Accra, so it\'s got all the top restaurants and places to visit when you go to the country.
On 01-17-2020 17:46 nancyhug said:
I love the information you listed, i haven\'t found any site that give so much clear and right information on the topic we loved. please do check my site it\'s also for unbiased reviews. https://www.buyhug.com/
On 01-01-2020 13:56 Jerzy said:
First result for 2019 Krakow Balice airport EPKK - 8.411.133 pasangers.
On 12-29-2019 12:17 Jerzy said:
Two interesting routes.If you have your funny add here Distance from Dubai to Adak Island (Dubai International Airport – Adak Airport) is 6262 miles / 10078 kilometers / 5442 nautical miles. Funny question who wants fly from Dubai to Adak Island and in easy way get there so first Dubai-Chicago,Los Angeles or Seatlle,From these airports to Anchorage and last part Anchorage -Adak. Distance from Dubai to Chatham Island (Dubai International Airport – Chatham Islands / Tuuta Airport) is 9280 miles / 14935 kilometers / 8064 nautical miles. Distance from Dubai to Chatham Island (Dubai International Airport – Chatham Islands / Tuuta Airport) is 9280 miles / 14935 kilometers / 8064 nautical miles.Another interesting trip Dubai - Christchurch via Sydney and Christchurch - Tuuta Airport in Chatham Island
On 12-25-2019 19:50 Jerzy said:
Airports with traffic over 10 mln.
1995 - 76, USA 32, Japan 6, German 3, Spain 3, UK 3, China 2 plus Hong Kong, Australia 2, Canada 2, France 2, Italy 2, South Korea 1, Brazil 1, Indonesia 1, Turkey 1, Indie 1, Mexico 1, Thailand 1
2000 - 98, USA 39, Japan 7, German 4, China 3 plus Hong Kong, Australia 3, UK 3, Spain 3, Canada 2, France 2, Italy 2, Brazil 2, South Korea 1, Indie 1, Thailand 1, Russia 1, Indonesia 1, Turkey 1, Mexico 1
2005 - 119, USA 39, Japan 8, China 7 plus Hong Kong, German 5, UK 4, Spain 4, Australia 3, South Korea 3, Canada 3, Brazil 3, France 2, Italy 2, Indie 2 , Russia 2, Turkey 2, Thailand 1, Indonesia 1, Mexico 1
2010 - 135, USA 33, China 16 plus Hong Kong, Japan 7, German 5, Australia 4, Indie 4, UK 4, Spain 4, Canada 4, Brazil 4, Russia 4, France 4, Italy 4, Russia 4, South Korea 3, Turkey 3, France 2, Italy 2, Mexico 2, Thailand 1, Indonesia 1, Vietnam 1
2015 - 181, USA 39, China 26 plus Hong Kong, Japan 8, German 7, Indie 6, UK 6, Spain 6, Brazil 6, Turkey 5, Canada 4, Australia 4, South Korea 4, France 4, Italy 4, Russia 4, France 3, Italy 3, Indonesia 3, Thailand 3, Russia 2, Mexico 2, Vietnam 2
2018 - 208, USA 42, China 36 plus Hong Kong, Japan 8, Indie 8, German 8, Spain 7, UK 6, Brazil 5, Indonesia 5, Turkey 5, Australia 4, Canada 4, South Korea 4, France 4, Italy 4, Russia 4, Mexicio 4, Thailand 4, Vietnam 3
On 12-22-2019 17:05 Jerzy said:
Europe Airpors with traffic over 50 ,20 and 10 mln include whole Spain and Turkey
Year 50 | 20 | 10 mln
1995 1 | 7 | 20
2000 1 | 12 | 27
2005 3 | 14 | 33
2010 3 | 16 | 35
2015 5 | 20 | 50
2018 7 | 32 | 57
On 12-22-2019 12:27 Jerzy said:
Airports with traffic over 10 mln.
1995 - 76 , USA 32 , China 2 plus Hong Kong
2000 - 98, USA 39 , China 3 plus Hong Kong
2005 - 119 ,USA 39 , China 7 plus Hong Kong
2010 - 135, USA 33, China 16 plus Hong Kong
2015 - 181 ,USA 39 ,China 26 plus Hong Kong
2018 - 208 , USA 42 , China 36 plus Hong Kong
On 12-22-2019 12:26 Jerzy said:
Airports with traffic over 20 mlm passengers
1995 - 36 from USA 22 no China only Hong Kong
On 12-21-2019 18:12 Jerzy said:
Kraków John Paul II International Airport world number year 1996 - 847 position,2000 - 670 number,2005 - 435, year 2010 -352, year 2015 - 334 and year 2017 position 293. For year 2018 I am still looking for figures from some airports which had traffic bigger than EPKK it is more than 6.769.369. Looke like it could be position 280-282.
On 12-20-2019 21:56 Jerzy said:
World number 6 in 1995 passengers traffic,number 4 in 2005 and 2018.
On 12-20-2019 21:31 Jerzy said:
Dubai International Airport (DXB) year 200 on world list position 81 , year 2010 - number 13 ,year 2018 number 3. Probably in 2019 will be number 5.
On 12-20-2019 21:24 Jerzy said:
Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport year 1995 world list number 40 , year 2005 - 31 year 2018 position 46.
On 12-20-2019 21:14 Jerzy said:
With traffic over 10 mln passengers year 1995 - 76 airports in year 2018 - 209 .
On 12-20-2019 21:09 Jerzy said:
In year 1995 only 5 airports had traffic over 50 millions year 2018 it is 27 airports.
On 12-20-2019 21:05 Jerzy said:
Year 1995 postion 100 it is 7 685 778 passengers, year 2000 - 9 879 740 , year 2005 - 11 356 615 , 2010 - 14 525 656 ,2015 -20 081 258 and 2018 it is 24 123 582 passengers.
On 12-20-2019 17:49 Jerzy said:
Today 20.12 somebody from Fort Worth spent on my web page 41:21min
On 12-20-2019 17:37 Jerzy said:
Today 20.12 somebody from Fort Worth spent on my web page .
On 11-30-2019 20:58 Jerzy said:
Today 30.11 somebody from Jonville Brazil spent in my web page over hour 01:22:24.
On 11-20-2019 19:35 Jerzy said:
http://www.airportsbase.com/index.php?Page=WorldStats Statistics
On 11-18-2019 15:02 Jerzy said:
Somebody from Jonville Brazil spent on my web page today :40:26 min. Will work harder to make it more interesting.
On 11-17-2019 15:50 Jerzy said:
Somebody from Rome spent in these web page today 40:21 min really nice it means my job make sens.
On 10-16-2019 22:22 meghanexp said:
Absolutely amazing!!! https://expanish.com/school-buenos-aires/
On 10-10-2019 12:23 Jerzy said:
Amsterdam airport years 1995 world number 22 year 2018 number 11.Passangers traffic up from 25 mln to 71 mln amazing.
On 10-09-2019 22:24 Jerzy said:
Airports most searched by our users in EPKK Krakow postion 5 in world.Information from https://www.airportsdata.net/ranking/
On 10-09-2019 18:33 Distance Calculations said:
Loving this content, please do check out our website https://www.distantias.com when you get the chance [url=https://www.distantias.com]Distance Calculator[/url]
On 09-29-2019 11:21 vcemerk said:
A modern and relaxing atmosphere of the restaurant http://www.vanillelounge.lt
On 09-18-2019 16:54 Jerzy said:
Tromsř Airport northemost airports where will have direct connection Cracov airprt from sept 2 nd 2020.
On 09-18-2019 14:18 Jerzy said:
New connection Krakow - New York EPPK - KJFK on week from may 3 rd.If you have any news regarding new airlines connection share on this web page.
On 09-15-2019 17:39 RokasKebabas said:
Very nice website if you want to learn how to drive and are somewhere near Utena, Lithuania Aurimas Grockis Utena
On 08-02-2019 13:29 Devesh said:
great website.. https://trekveda.com/contact.php
On 04-01-2019 12:49 River crest said:
please visit us
On 04-01-2019 12:46 River crest said:
very nice place to visit for your holiday river crest cabins https://www.rivercrestcabins.com
On 03-23-2019 16:53 gintare said:
Very nice website, and a restaurant in Vilnius www.sventaragiosodas.lt
On 03-09-2019 15:10 katewilliams said:
Amazing and incredible work done by you. Try [url=\"https://www.airportparkingdailydeals.co.uk/\"]Cheap Airport Parking[/url]
On 02-04-2019 13:31 Jerzy said:
Amazing Krakow airport in 2018 was up by 934.180 passagers to 6.769.369 , third airport in world Dubai only 907.288 to 89.149.387.Congratulation to Krakow airport.
On 01-07-2019 15:39 Jerzy said:
20848838 Helsinki Vantaa airport 2018 passagers traffic.. In year 2000 only 10004115 passanegers 98 position in world ranking.
On 01-07-2019 14:51 Jerzy said:
2161874 Pristina airports 2018 passangers traffic
On 01-07-2019 14:50 Jerzy said:
2539412 Dubrvniik airport 2018 passagers traffic
On 01-03-2019 18:03 Jerzy said:
6 769 369 pax Kraków airport 2018 result
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Wherever you are, whatever you do earth is first remember always. My motto do you agree with me. Jerzy Matuszczak
On 04-15-2022 17:41 Jerzy said:
Earth is first remember always. My motto do you agree.
On 01-05-2022 12:01 Jerzy said:
Split airport become number 1 in Croatia year 2021.
On 01-04-2022 12:14 Jerzy said:
First statistics for 2021.Krakow airport 3072074 passangers.
On 07-31-2021 17:24 Jerzy said:
Weathered Vineyards Winery - no problem yes I add to Ephrata Pensylvania.
Comment I\'m wondering if you could add Weathered Vineyards Ephrata to your list of wineries. The web address is www.weatheredvineyardsephrata.com. Thanks!!
On 05-15-2020 22:48 3gator said:
Interesting information here. Please could you add this site? It\'s for tourist information in Accra, so it\'s got all the top restaurants and places to visit when you go to the country.
On 01-17-2020 17:46 nancyhug said:
I love the information you listed, i haven\'t found any site that give so much clear and right information on the topic we loved. please do check my site it\'s also for unbiased reviews. https://www.buyhug.com/
On 01-01-2020 13:56 Jerzy said:
First result for 2019 Krakow Balice airport EPKK - 8.411.133 pasangers.
On 12-29-2019 12:17 Jerzy said:
Two interesting routes.If you have your funny add here Distance from Dubai to Adak Island (Dubai International Airport – Adak Airport) is 6262 miles / 10078 kilometers / 5442 nautical miles. Funny question who wants fly from Dubai to Adak Island and in easy way get there so first Dubai-Chicago,Los Angeles or Seatlle,From these airports to Anchorage and last part Anchorage -Adak. Distance from Dubai to Chatham Island (Dubai International Airport – Chatham Islands / Tuuta Airport) is 9280 miles / 14935 kilometers / 8064 nautical miles. Distance from Dubai to Chatham Island (Dubai International Airport – Chatham Islands / Tuuta Airport) is 9280 miles / 14935 kilometers / 8064 nautical miles.Another interesting trip Dubai - Christchurch via Sydney and Christchurch - Tuuta Airport in Chatham Island
On 12-25-2019 19:50 Jerzy said:
Airports with traffic over 10 mln.
1995 - 76, USA 32, Japan 6, German 3, Spain 3, UK 3, China 2 plus Hong Kong, Australia 2, Canada 2, France 2, Italy 2, South Korea 1, Brazil 1, Indonesia 1, Turkey 1, Indie 1, Mexico 1, Thailand 1
2000 - 98, USA 39, Japan 7, German 4, China 3 plus Hong Kong, Australia 3, UK 3, Spain 3, Canada 2, France 2, Italy 2, Brazil 2, South Korea 1, Indie 1, Thailand 1, Russia 1, Indonesia 1, Turkey 1, Mexico 1
2005 - 119, USA 39, Japan 8, China 7 plus Hong Kong, German 5, UK 4, Spain 4, Australia 3, South Korea 3, Canada 3, Brazil 3, France 2, Italy 2, Indie 2 , Russia 2, Turkey 2, Thailand 1, Indonesia 1, Mexico 1
2010 - 135, USA 33, China 16 plus Hong Kong, Japan 7, German 5, Australia 4, Indie 4, UK 4, Spain 4, Canada 4, Brazil 4, Russia 4, France 4, Italy 4, Russia 4, South Korea 3, Turkey 3, France 2, Italy 2, Mexico 2, Thailand 1, Indonesia 1, Vietnam 1
2015 - 181, USA 39, China 26 plus Hong Kong, Japan 8, German 7, Indie 6, UK 6, Spain 6, Brazil 6, Turkey 5, Canada 4, Australia 4, South Korea 4, France 4, Italy 4, Russia 4, France 3, Italy 3, Indonesia 3, Thailand 3, Russia 2, Mexico 2, Vietnam 2
2018 - 208, USA 42, China 36 plus Hong Kong, Japan 8, Indie 8, German 8, Spain 7, UK 6, Brazil 5, Indonesia 5, Turkey 5, Australia 4, Canada 4, South Korea 4, France 4, Italy 4, Russia 4, Mexicio 4, Thailand 4, Vietnam 3
On 12-22-2019 17:05 Jerzy said:
Europe Airpors with traffic over 50 ,20 and 10 mln include whole Spain and Turkey
Year 50 | 20 | 10 mln
1995 1 | 7 | 20
2000 1 | 12 | 27
2005 3 | 14 | 33
2010 3 | 16 | 35
2015 5 | 20 | 50
2018 7 | 32 | 57
On 12-22-2019 12:27 Jerzy said:
Airports with traffic over 10 mln.
1995 - 76 , USA 32 , China 2 plus Hong Kong
2000 - 98, USA 39 , China 3 plus Hong Kong
2005 - 119 ,USA 39 , China 7 plus Hong Kong
2010 - 135, USA 33, China 16 plus Hong Kong
2015 - 181 ,USA 39 ,China 26 plus Hong Kong
2018 - 208 , USA 42 , China 36 plus Hong Kong
On 12-22-2019 12:26 Jerzy said:
Airports with traffic over 20 mlm passengers
1995 - 36 from USA 22 no China only Hong Kong
On 12-21-2019 18:12 Jerzy said:
Kraków John Paul II International Airport world number year 1996 - 847 position,2000 - 670 number,2005 - 435, year 2010 -352, year 2015 - 334 and year 2017 position 293. For year 2018 I am still looking for figures from some airports which had traffic bigger than EPKK it is more than 6.769.369. Looke like it could be position 280-282.
On 12-20-2019 21:56 Jerzy said:
World number 6 in 1995 passengers traffic,number 4 in 2005 and 2018.
On 12-20-2019 21:31 Jerzy said:
Dubai International Airport (DXB) year 200 on world list position 81 , year 2010 - number 13 ,year 2018 number 3. Probably in 2019 will be number 5.
On 12-20-2019 21:24 Jerzy said:
Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport year 1995 world list number 40 , year 2005 - 31 year 2018 position 46.
On 12-20-2019 21:14 Jerzy said:
With traffic over 10 mln passengers year 1995 - 76 airports in year 2018 - 209 .
On 12-20-2019 21:09 Jerzy said:
In year 1995 only 5 airports had traffic over 50 millions year 2018 it is 27 airports.
On 12-20-2019 21:05 Jerzy said:
Year 1995 postion 100 it is 7 685 778 passengers, year 2000 - 9 879 740 , year 2005 - 11 356 615 , 2010 - 14 525 656 ,2015 -20 081 258 and 2018 it is 24 123 582 passengers.
On 12-20-2019 17:49 Jerzy said:
Today 20.12 somebody from Fort Worth spent on my web page 41:21min
On 12-20-2019 17:37 Jerzy said:
Today 20.12 somebody from Fort Worth spent on my web page .
On 11-30-2019 20:58 Jerzy said:
Today 30.11 somebody from Jonville Brazil spent in my web page over hour 01:22:24.
On 11-20-2019 19:35 Jerzy said:
http://www.airportsbase.com/index.php?Page=WorldStats Statistics
On 11-18-2019 15:02 Jerzy said:
Somebody from Jonville Brazil spent on my web page today :40:26 min. Will work harder to make it more interesting.
On 11-17-2019 15:50 Jerzy said:
Somebody from Rome spent in these web page today 40:21 min really nice it means my job make sens.
On 10-16-2019 22:22 meghanexp said:
Absolutely amazing!!! https://expanish.com/school-buenos-aires/
On 10-10-2019 12:23 Jerzy said:
Amsterdam airport years 1995 world number 22 year 2018 number 11.Passangers traffic up from 25 mln to 71 mln amazing.
On 10-09-2019 22:24 Jerzy said:
Airports most searched by our users in EPKK Krakow postion 5 in world.Information from https://www.airportsdata.net/ranking/
On 10-09-2019 18:33 Distance Calculations said:
Loving this content, please do check out our website https://www.distantias.com when you get the chance [url=https://www.distantias.com]Distance Calculator[/url]
On 09-29-2019 11:21 vcemerk said:
A modern and relaxing atmosphere of the restaurant http://www.vanillelounge.lt
On 09-18-2019 16:54 Jerzy said:
Tromsř Airport northemost airports where will have direct connection Cracov airprt from sept 2 nd 2020.
On 09-18-2019 14:18 Jerzy said:
New connection Krakow - New York EPPK - KJFK on week from may 3 rd.If you have any news regarding new airlines connection share on this web page.
On 09-15-2019 17:39 RokasKebabas said:
Very nice website if you want to learn how to drive and are somewhere near Utena, Lithuania Aurimas Grockis Utena
On 08-02-2019 13:29 Devesh said:
great website.. https://trekveda.com/contact.php
On 04-01-2019 12:49 River crest said:
please visit us
On 04-01-2019 12:46 River crest said:
very nice place to visit for your holiday river crest cabins https://www.rivercrestcabins.com
On 03-23-2019 16:53 gintare said:
Very nice website, and a restaurant in Vilnius www.sventaragiosodas.lt
On 03-09-2019 15:10 katewilliams said:
Amazing and incredible work done by you. Try [url=\"https://www.airportparkingdailydeals.co.uk/\"]Cheap Airport Parking[/url]
On 02-04-2019 13:31 Jerzy said:
Amazing Krakow airport in 2018 was up by 934.180 passagers to 6.769.369 , third airport in world Dubai only 907.288 to 89.149.387.Congratulation to Krakow airport.
On 01-07-2019 15:39 Jerzy said:
20848838 Helsinki Vantaa airport 2018 passagers traffic.. In year 2000 only 10004115 passanegers 98 position in world ranking.
On 01-07-2019 14:51 Jerzy said:
2161874 Pristina airports 2018 passangers traffic
On 01-07-2019 14:50 Jerzy said:
2539412 Dubrvniik airport 2018 passagers traffic
On 01-03-2019 18:03 Jerzy said:
6 769 369 pax Kraków airport 2018 result
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