Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
52.3588888888889 | -97.01833333333329 |
52°21'0"N | 97°1'0"W |
Nearest places | ||
Berens River Airport | 0.0km | |
Bloodvein River | 66.5km | |
Bloodvein River Airport | 67.7km | |
Poplar River | 73.1km | |
Poplar River Airport | 73.2km | |
Little Grand Rapids Airport | 111.4km | |
Little Grand Rapids | 112.0km | |
Norway House Airport | 186.2km | |
Norway House | 189.0km | |
Ste Theresa Point | 214.0km | |
Pikangikum | 215.4km | |
Pikangikum Airport | 216.5km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 7,171.8km | |
Busselton Regional Airport | 16,707.5km |
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