Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
13.049444444444399 | 109.333611111111 |
13°2'0"N | 109°20'0"E |
Nearest places | ||
Tuy Hoa | 0.0km | |
Qui Nhon | 80.5km | |
Phu Cat Airport | 105.5km | |
Cam Ranh Airport | 117.6km | |
Cam Ranh | 128.1km | |
Buon Ma Thuot Airport | 138.2km | |
Buon Ma Thuot | 145.7km | |
Dalat | 156.9km | |
Pleiku Airport | 177.6km | |
Pleiku | 177.7km | |
Lien Khuong Airport | 178.1km | |
Chu Lai International Airport | 270.7km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 8,866.9km | |
Quince Mill Airport | 19,992.6km |
General informations
Elevation | 20 ft / 6 m MSL |
World Pax Ranking 2018 | #1202(+7) |
World Pax Ranking 2017 | #1209(+7) |
World Pax Ranking 2016 | #1216(+411) |
World Pax Ranking 2015 | #1627(+173) |
World Pax Ranking 2014 | #1800(-42) |
World Pax Ranking 2013 | #1758(-52) |
World Pax Ranking 2012 | #1706 |
Year | Pax | Movement | Cargo |
2018 | 403000 | ||
2017 | 337000 | ||
2016 | 326982 | ||
2015 | 107843 | ||
2014 | 64037 | 0 | 0 |
2013 | 63103 | 0 | 0 |
2012 | 62825 | 0 | 0 |
2004 | 6666 | 206 | 0 |
2003 | 3784 | 146 | 1 |
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