Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
-10.7658333333333 | 25.5058333333333 |
10°45'0"S | 25°30'0"E |
Nearest places | ||
Kolwezi | 6.9km | |
Solwezi Airport | 182.4km | |
Lubumbashi | 236.2km | |
Lubumbashi International Airport | 239.2km | |
Chingola | 322.2km | |
Kasompe Airport | 328.6km | |
Mansa Airport | 370.2km | |
Kitwe | 371.6km | |
Kitwe Airport | 373.0km | |
Mansa | 378.9km | |
Nadola | 419.2km | |
Ndola Airport | 424.0km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 6,788.4km | |
Hilo International Airport | 19,017.6km |
General informations
Airport type | Regional airport |
World Pax Ranking 2013 | #1862(-98) |
World Pax Ranking 2012 | #1764(-27) |
World Pax Ranking 2011 | #1737(-5) |
World Pax Ranking 2010 | #1732 |
Year | Pax | Movement | Cargo |
2013 | 42796 | 0 | 0 |
2012 | 50112 | 0 | 0 |
2011 | 39311 | 0 | 0 |
2010 | 29329 | 0 | 0 |
2009 | 24065 | 0 | 0 |
2008 | 41863 | 0 | 0 |
2007 | 33877 | 0 | 0 |
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