Map and nearest places
Longitude | Latitude |
35.115556 | -114.588611 |
35°6'0"N | 114°35'0"W |
Nearest places | ||
Laughlin/Bulhead | 4.0km | |
Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport | 5.4km | |
Needles | 30.9km | |
Needles Airport | 39.0km | |
![]() | Kingman | 52.2km |
Kingman Airport | 61.2km | |
Lake Havasu City Airport | 64.1km | |
Chemehuevi Valley Airport | 66.8km | |
Lake Havsu City | 74.1km | |
Boulder City | 95.5km | |
Boulder City Municipal Airport | 95.7km | |
Henderson | 108.7km | |
John Paul II International Airport | 9,535.4km | |
Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport | 18,295.6km |
Golfs club
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